Considering I haven’t written anything at all in here for *ages*, I figured I should probably start off the new year with a post (although the new year is no longer quite so new).

What have I been doing lately?

Well, I’ve spent the past 10 days in Adelaide, visiting friends, attending some Bible studies (known as the Adelaide End of Year Studies, probably for obvious reasons). That was all good, with the possible exceptions of the hot weather (thank goodness for air conditioning) and the bad sunburn I got on Monday.

I took exactly 4 photos, none of which are particularly worthy of posting – 2 of Dan and Esther’s new dog Snoopy, and 2 of a weird looking, intricate flower.

I went back to work yesterday, and experienced a typical non-fun day checking backups, upgrading patch scanning consoles, and just generally wasting time with a bit of trouble shooting thrown in there.

Meanwhile, my oldest sibling Sharon, spent her break in New Zealand with a (apparently – I basically only got to say hello and goodbye to him) charming young man by the name of Jonathan. She seems to have enjoyed her time over there, which is a good thing (TM).

Hmm, what else is there…

If i think of something else I’ll add it to the bottom.